Posts Tagged ‘winter olympics blooper’


Apolo Ohno is my wet (okay, frozen) dream.

February 23, 2010

Eh, vidheads. I’ve loved the olympics since I was a little girl. I even wanted to be either a figure skater or a gymnast in the olympics when I grew up (then I found out my legs are fat, so now I’m just a rollergirl and a part-time cashier at Walmart. Dream big, kids.) I was really pulling for the USA men’s curling team (partly because John Shuster and Jason Smith are so friggin’ cute), but they they blew the torch out, so to speak. I like the winter olympics more than the summer because I don’t care how much skin you cover up or show, winter olympic athletes are WAY hotter than summer olympic athletes. The winter olympics has Apolo Ohno, Bode Miller, all those delicious curling guys, Shaun White…and the summer olympics has a bunch of effeminate gymnasticking fools and chicken-legged runners. At any rate, in light of what NBC is broadcasting pretty much around the clock (save for their sorry excuse for news), a winter olympic video is long past due for me, and this one rates high on my hi-fargin-larious scale.

This girl gives a whole new meaning to the term “busting ass.” That must have been one cold ride down the ice hole. Hey, relax! I said ice hole! I wonder if they were from Asstria. Or Dji-booty!  Okay, enough of the bad puns. Seriously, let’s skip that Danish next time before a luge run, sweetie. It’s like the Janet Jackson Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction, but this one was obviously unintended! Plus, you gotta love the song this is set to.